Saturday, March 5, 2011

All things Local: Loudoun, Dulles and Otherwise

For a long while now, I have been managing and maintaining a facebook page for our community in Leesburg, Virginia ( and in less than a year with only organic growth, we have over 3700 fans.  There we discuss community happenings, upcoming events, promote fundraisers, swap tips and all sorts of things. 

The banter is quite engaging, but I have found many of the same questions get asked repeatedly, especially as we have new members, and then sometimes I can't put my hand on the information that other "fans" contributed... it seems to get lost in the newsfeed stream on the 'wall'.  So, I've come up with a solution! (I think)

We've launched a complimentary web site.  It's under construction right now, with only the home page and the calendar page (which uses a Google calendar that is imbedded) are complete...but check it out!  It's already becoming a popular resource for community members....and I hope you'll join the Facebook comunity, but if you're not a "facebooker" then perhaps you'll just enjoy our web site.  Either way, it's at your disposal!

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